Productivity Pointer: The Done List

To do lists can be a little depressing. You can just feel your weekend slipping away every time you even look at it. And more things get added on all the time. If your to do’s are a downer, try making a “done” list to maximize motivation and celebrate your accomplishments.

Job Interview Tips to Help Land Your Next Job

It’s a fantastic opportunity, with a pay bump, a leadership role and some awesome perks — and you want it … badly. Whether it’s with a new company or to advance where you already work, preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task. Here are job interview tips to help improve your chances of landing your next job.

7 Reasons to Work With An Insurance Agent

Insurance is the foundation of your personal finances. If you get it wrong, the consequences could be life altering — having a professional insurance agent your side to guide you can help ensure it’s done right.

It Turns Out Trees Need Friends Too

Did you know that many trees in a forest are actually connected underground and that they can share information and even help each other survive? They do this through what are called mycelial networks — a subterranean superhighway of sorts, often referred to as “the wood-wide web.”

Freelancer Focus: 7 Strategies for a More Productive Daily Writing Habit

Blogs, fan fiction, journaling or marketing reports. Whatever your need or desire to put pen to paper, learn how you can banish writers block with these data-driven do’s and dont’s for your daily writing habit.

Relationships, Health, Work, Money: Achieving Life Balance

There’s a reason why we use the expression “sort things out” to describe the first step in solving a problem. Learn how to sort out all the different parts of your life so you can divide and conquer.

Good Night: Routines for Your End of Day

You’ve heard of beginning with the end in mind? Well, how about ending with the bedinning in mind? Set yourself up for your best possible day by starting the night before.

Unburden Your Brain With Recurring Reminders

Is this what you’d find if you could look under the hood inside your mind? If so, it’s probably time to do a little cerebral decluttering to free up some mental space for what matters most.

Enhance Creativity: Branch Out and Break Through

Disruptive life events (problems) can force us to shift perspectives and change up our patterns. They’re the resistance that helps us build muscle. And maybe that’s why they can ultimately be such effective catalysts for growth. But you don’t need to wait for a catatrophe for that level of insight. You just have to go deep.

Presidential Productivity to Improve Health, Happiness and Financial Wellness

Sometimes running your life feels like running a small country. There’s so much coming at you at once. How do you handle it all? Take a page out of history from a person who actually has run a country and learn some lessons about presidential productivity.