Happiness Hack: Create a Gratitude Corner

You’ve heard of a gratitude journal, but have you considered creating a gratitude corner that you can visit any time you need to be reminded of everything you have to be thankful for.

Process or Outcome Goals? Which Are More Important to Focus On?

You don’t have to be a Q or even a Trekkie to visit this mystical place. But learn why you need to understand the continuum in order to achieve your most important goals.

4 Types of Goals

Learn about the 4 different types of goals you can set and how you can use each of them to start creating better balance in all parts of your life.

Presidential Productivity to Improve Health, Happiness and Financial Wellness

Sometimes running your life feels like running a small country. There’s so much coming at you at once. How do you handle it all? Take a page out of history from a person who actually has run a country and learn some lessons about presidential productivity.

Kintsugi: Finding Beauty in Brokenness

What if instead of merely discarding broken objects, we were able to celebrate their beauty and journey they’ve taken with us — and by doing so, learn to embrace our own brokenness along the way.

Purposeful Productivity

Purposeful productivity isn’t about trying to get the most things done. Rather it’s what results when you learn how to focus and execute on what’s most important, allowing you to live with greater intention and meaning. And while the results will be unique to each person, there are techniques anyone can use to start living a more authentic life.

Are You Quiet Quitting Your Life?

There’s a lot of debate over quiet quitting in the workaday world — whether it’s a good idea or even justified in any given circumstance. But the only one that clearly loses out when you settle for “meh” on a regular basis is you.

10 Ways to Fight Financial Anxiety

More than one in three employees earning at least $100,000 per year live paycheck to paycheck, according to one study — and more than 75% of Americans suffer from financial anxiety. Here are 10 things you can do to help regain financial peace of mind.

Want to Feel Happier and Wealthier ? Get Off the Hedonic Treadmill

Stop chasing happiness and learn how to catch it for good.

5 in 5: Fall Pleasures

Enjoy the next installment in our 5 in 5 series — 5 tips or ideas that you can read in 5 minutes or less. This month, we’re focusing on the joys of autumn and why it’s so important to stop, be mindful and take in the full glory of fall before winter has us in its chilly clutches.